



1) 教練及學員須恆常接受訓練課程,以達到水平。

2) 教練及學員上課時必須穿著整潔之制服。

3) 進入道場後,應主動向教練敬禮。

4) 上課時必須認真嚴謹,不得嬉戲喧嘩。

5) 如沒有教練在場情況下,不得玩耍及嬉戲。

6) 學員之間要友愛和睦,不得私鬥。


未來本會亦增加舉辦多一些内地、海外交流(如前往台灣、韓國等地作海外練習) 及本地比賽。目的是達到本會的宗旨︰文武兼備,見多識廣,使學員成為通才。


  • 會長/總教練

    霍柏橋師傅持世界跆拳道(World Taekwondo) 黑帶七段及二級海外人教練資格。

    霍師傅自11歲開始習中國武術 (蔡李佛北勝)。三年後經同學介紹後轉學跆拳道直到今天沒有放棄。並於七年前 (2013年開始學習中國武術詠春)。霍師傅全職教授跆拳道至今,累積有三十年的教學經驗並,見證自己的學員們進入人生另一階段組;織家庭,成為專業人士(如飛機師、律師、醫生、核數師、教師、商人等。)

    霍師傅自1984年開始不斷參與本港及海外的比賽及練習並獲獎項。並於1998-2001擔任香港跆拳道代表隊教練。在任其間自付經費帶領學員參與海外練習及比賽。並多年任教幼兒直至成年人課程於私人教授、私人高級會所、屋苑、學校及幼稚園。 霍師傅多年任教及經驗得知兒童及青少年的需要。 加上現今社會要求新一代文武兼備,見多識廣。因此霍師傅及要求本會教練重視家長及恆常關注家長及學員的意見,並反映學員的學習情況;又舉辦親子活動,讓家長及學員可同時參與有關跆拳道的活動,務求使家長、學員與本會建立良好關係及溝通渠道。希望學員在溫馨的學習環境下練習才能發揮及爭取最好的成績;無論在個人紀律、學業及比賽上。PTA跆拳道會以「創做佳績、博學泓泓」回蹪社會作發展方面。

  • 主席

    It is a great honor to be appointed chairman of Prosperity TKDO Academy and be able to serve the organization and its members. Prosperity TKDO Academy is one of the leading TKD organization established by Master Joe in Hong Kong in 2009.

    The Academy has a vision and commitment in adopting the TKD’s principal, which is to train people in physical fitness, concentration, confidence and self-discipline as well as build a strong desire among international and local communities to pursue a healthy lifestyle and create home-grown sporting superstars and role models who in turn foster international recognition in worldwide competitions.

    As far as I'm concerned, my own and the organization's commitment and aims are closely aligned to the framework that has been laid down to creating a healthy, inclusive society – aims for which sports have an integral role to play.

    Our other commitment is promoting this sport to numerous people in Hong Kong and other countries by recruiting students and coaches globally and attending more world class events with our students and our team. Little gives me greater satisfaction than to see our youths being out there and having goals and achievements to thrive for. Sport can give them confidence and discipline and these are the foundations which we are laying down through grass roots initiatives in order to give them an opportunity in growing through merit and accomplishment. I also get great encouragement when I literally see thousands of residents and visitors turn out to support the increasing number of global-standard sporting events we are hosting here, and we envisage many more to come.

    Finally, I'd like to wish the families of the club, including the players and training authority further success in order to promote the distinguished position achieved by the club through constructive communication and participation in Taekwondo.

    So, without further a due, and on behalf of the committee, I’d like to thank all members, supporters and friends of Prosperity TKDO academy. let’s together give our best, so others can be their best.

  • 永遠榮譽會長

    We are proud and honoured to be associated with JOE FOK and the PROSPERITY TKDO Academy

    For over 20 years we have enjoyed a warm and close business and personal relationship with him and his family and have experienced a trust and support that have been very special for us.

    Joe has studied Taekwondo for over 30 years, over which period, it has become an extremely popular INTERNATIONAL SPORT, with people from all over the world learning this martial art. It achieved Olympic status at the 2000 Games in Sydney and Joe’s training has enabled his students to compete at the highest level, representing HONG KONG both in World Class events and Asian Tournaments.

    The value, other than sporting, is that Taekwondo also improves the function of the nervous system and circulation, as well as regulating the metabolism and keeping the body in fine balance. This is achieved by rapid reaction together with controlled breathing and concentration. Flexibility is at the centre of the training which helps to stretch and strengthen the spinal column. Joints, muscles and ligaments are also helped by this regime, keeping the body supple and youthful.

    Young and old alike find it an especially effective activity, as it encourages Agility, Awareness, Strength and Flexibility. It also offers a strong framework and guidance for hyperactive children.

    The regular and sustained practise of Taekwondo by Joe’s students has developed their Health, Posture and Well Being, as well as giving them Vitality, Confidence and Self Discipline.

    This wonderful sport has a following in all age groups and is highly recommended for children, as an outlet for their surplus energy.

    We are certain that the Prosperity TKDO Academy will go from strength to strength under the able leadership of Joe Fok, a great teacher and valued friend.

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